Inlägg i In sickness & health
Digital Vacation

My friends, I'm leaving you for a little while.

Don't worry, I'll be back, but for now I need to do some serious rebooting, recharging and reinventing of me, myself and I. There are some things I need to take care of during the upcoming weeks, and I really don't have any other options but to remove myself digitally for a while to focus on the important things. 

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Born a loser

"Despite what your parents might have told you over the years, there is one fact that you cannot escape: You are born to lose.

Everyone in this world is a loser in some way. 

The thing about loss that really hits you, is that you're reminded of what you actually have. I, for instance, have lost a number of things over the past year. A partner, a dear friend, trust, self esteem, belief and some weight in the process."

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The things you don't see..

"It happens to everyone I know. The outbreak of a cold just leaves you isolated and confined to your bed, wasting paper tissues, the same way that Justin Bieber wastes eggs on his neighbour.

And most of you get away with it too. You simply call you boss and let him/her know that you're not able to come to work for a few days. After that you claim the couch and plow through every season of Breaking Bad on Netflix, hoping that this pesky cold of yours will be gone in a few days."

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